October 3, 2003

CFP:  International Congress on Beer in Prehistory and Antiquity. Barcelona, 4th-6th October 2004.

The International Congress on Beer in Prehistory and Antiquity will bring together international experts in archaeology and history of beer and fermented beverages from all the world. The Congress will take place in Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain) from 4th to 6th October 2004. This event is organized by the Project of Archaeology of Food at the Universitat de Barcelona and the Spanish Comission of the International Commitee of Anthropology of Food. It is supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of the Spanish Government.

The programme includes invited papers by experts from Colombia, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom and United States of America, as well as contributed oral presentations and posters, covering established and developing areas in the field of beer in prehistory and antiquity and related subjects in all the world. The registration fees will be 160 euros.


- Archaeobotanical Remains of Beer and other Fermented Beverages (pollen grains, starch granules, phytoliths, oxalates, yeasts,…)
- Beer and Cereal Fermented Beverages in Archaeological Research in the World.
- The Origins and Ancient History of Beer and Cereal Fermented Beverages (Ancient Near-East civilisations,  Egyptians, Greeks, Phoenicians, Punics, Greeks, Romans,…).
- Maize "Chichas" in the American Archaeology.
- Anthropological studies on beer applied to archaeology and history of beer.


Authors may list a preference for a poster or oral presentation of their paper, however the Congress reserves the right to place the contribution in either category.

1.The abstract must be in Spanish and/or English.
2. The maximum length of the abstract is 400 words .
3. A title must be included at the top of the abstract.
4. Add author names or affiliations to the abstract text. Please, provide the following information:
· last name
· first name
· title of abstract
· affiliation
· mailing address
· telephone number
· e-mail address
· oral or poster presentation preference
5.The deadline for receipt of abstracts is APRIL 30, 2004.
6. Abstracts can either be submitted via e-mail (preferred) or via regular mail.

Abstracts should be mailed to:

Dr. Jordi Juan Tresserras
Projecte Arqueologia dels Aliments
Programa de Gestió Cultural
Universitat de Barcelona
Campus Mundet
Pg.Vall d'Hebron, 171 Edif.Llevant Desp.008
E-08035-Barcelona, Spain
Tel. +34 - 93 424 80 35.
E-mail: congresocerveza@terra.es

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CFP: Achilles in Iraq: War and Peace in Ancient Greece and the Modern World

April 16-17, 2004   University of Missouri-St. Louis
Call for Papers

Background and objective of the conference
Since the beginning of our existence, humans have strived to find meaning in a world dominated by war, violence, and suffering.  The hope that one day the human race will have managed to create a world of peace and harmony is universal, but it was in ancient Greece that it found its first explicit manifestation.  From Homer's exploration of humanity under conditions of war to Greek tragedy and the Olympic Truce, the Greeks created a timeless framework for understanding the effects of war and violence on human lives.
In recent years, exciting new research comparing ancient and modern mentalities of  war and peace has opened new paths in our effort to understand and cope with violence.

The main objective of this conference is to explore the ways in which ancient and modern perceptions on war and peace can promote awareness of the destructive effects of violence and the need for peace and international cooperation.  The conference is organized by the Chair of Greek Studies at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.  For information about the Chair please visit www.greekstudies.org

Instructions for submission of papers
We welcome papers dealing with any aspect of the ancient Greek perceptions of violence and how these perceptions can be used to further modern understanding of the problem.  Papers should be 15-20 minutes long, inter-disciplinary or disciplinary-specific, and be accessible both to the specialists and the general public.

The papers to be presented at the conference will be selected by anonymous reviewers and will be published in a self-standing volume.    Those speakers whose abstracts will be accepted will be asked to bring to the conference a publication-ready version of their paper.

Abstracts (maximum 500 words) should be sent by December 15, 2003 to:

Professor Michael Cosmopoulos
Chair, Organizing Committee
Department of Anthropology
University of Missouri-St. Louis
St. Louis, MO. 63121
Tel. (314) 516-6241
Fax (314) 516-7235
E-mail: cosmopoulos@umsl.edu

All abstracts should be submitted in electronic format via e-mail.  A number of travel grants will be available to cover the expenses of the speakers.

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LECTURE: Alexander the Great

ALEXANDRE EN ÉGYPTE par le Dr. Gaétan Thérieult,
Département d'Histoire, Université du Québec à Montréal
Mercredi le 15 octobre 2003 à 19h00 - Conférence
publique se tien au Bureau des affaire culturelles et
de l'éducation au Canada, Consulat Général d'Égypte,
1Place Ville Marie, 19 étage, ste. 1936
    L'histoire est assez connue: en moins de dix ans,
entre 334 et 323 av. J.-C., Alexandre, roi de
Macédoine, s'empara de l'immense empire perse. Au
nombre des régions conquises figurait l'Égypte, alors
satrapie perse. Le roi Macédonien y reçut bon accueil,
fonda Alexandrie la Grande (332-331) et consulta
l'oracle d'Ammon (Siwah). Son séjour ne dura que
quelques mois, mais demeure pour l'historien moderne
encore empreint de mystères. À elle seule la fondation
d'Alexandrie a fait couler beaucoup d'encre, tout
comme l'énigmatique «pélerinage» à Siwah. Quels
étaient les véritables intentions d'Alexandre, comment
expliquer son intérêt pour Ammon ? Autre mystère:
l'emplacement de la sépulture du roi macédonien,
puisque l'Égypte, pays des tombeaux, reçut également,
après maintes péripéties, la dépouille royale. Les
recherches entreprises pour retrouver sa sépultuure
sont toutes restées vaines jusqu'à ce jour. En fait,
nul ne sait où le grand conquérant dort de son dernier

This lecture is presented by the Montreal Chapter of
The Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities.
Phone 514-866-0239 for more information.

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Summer Seminar in Papyrology at Berkeley's Center for the Tebtunis Papyri

14 June - 24 July 2004

In 2004, the Center for the Tebtunis Papyri at the University of California,
Berkeley, will sponsor a summer seminar in papyrology for advanced graduate
students and junior faculty in ancient studies (classics, history,
Egyptology, religious studies, archaeology, and related disciplines).  The
seminar, which will run from 14 June through 24 July, will focus on Greek
and demotic Egyptian papyri from the Ptolemaic period, with special emphasis
on the third and second century BCE mummy cartonnage from the Tebtunis
necropolis (cf. A.S. Hunt, J.G. Smyly et al., *The Tebtunis Papyri* 3,
London 1933-38).  The principal objective of the seminar is to provide
participants with sufficient instruction and practical experience to enable
them to make productive use of texts on papyrus in their research and to
become active scholars in the field of papyrology.  Hands-on experience with
original materials will be combined with lectures and assignments addressing
historical, methodological, and bibliographic questions. The papyrological
seminar at Berkeley is the second in a series of summer institutes taking
place under the aegis of the American Society of Papyrologists; the third
institute, in the summer of 2005, will be hosted by the University of

Admission to the seminar is by application.  Enrollment is limited to ten
participants.  Applications are welcome from qualified individuals without
regard to institutional affiliation.  No prior experience of papyrology is
expected, but a high degree of competence in ancient Greek and/or demotic
Egyptian is essential.

A full-time commitment to the activities of the seminar is required of the
participants, who are expected to be in residence in Berkeley for its
duration.  The practica and lectures will take place in The Bancroft
Library.  Instruction will be five days a week.  The principal instructors
will be Prof. Dr. Karl-Theodor Zauzich (Universitaet Wuerzburg) and Prof.
Arthur Verhoogt (University of Michigan); additional lecturers will include
Prof. J.G. Manning (Stanford University) and Dr. T.M. Hickey (Berkeley).

Participation in the seminar is free of charge and not for credit.
Participants will neither be graded nor issued a transcript.  The American
Society of Papyrologists will provide a certificate of participation to
those completing the seminar.  On-campus housing will be available to the
participants for a fee.  Applicants are expected to seek financial support
from their home institution to facilitate their participation, but some
funding will be available for those who do not have other means of support.

Applications, which consist of a completed application form, a current
curriculum vitae, and two letters of recommendation, must be postmarked by 6
February 2004.  Notification of the decisions of the Center's Advisory Board
will be made on or before 15 March.  For further information, please contact
Todd Hickey (510-642-4556; thickey@library.berkeley.edu ).

The application form is available as a pdf file at


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Lectures and Seminars at University College London

ACCORDIA LECTURES (Tuesdays@5.30 in 329-330, Institute of Classical Studies,
Senate House, OR G6, Institute of Archaeology.  Further information from Dr
John Wilkins (accordiaa@ntl.com).

October 14th  (ICS):  Dr Sybille Haynes,  'Between the Val di Chiana and the
Val d'Orcia: new excavations at La Foce near Chianciano'

November 4th (Inst. of Arch.): Dr Simon Stoddart (Cambridge),  'Etruscan
state formation in a comparative perspective'

December 9th ACCORDIA ANNIVERSARY (ICS):  Dr David Ridgway:  'The Italian
Iron Age and Greece: from Hellenization to Interaction'

January 20th (ICS):  Dr Amanda Claridge (RHUL) 'Of dubious antiquity: fakes
in Greek and Roman Sculpture'

February 17th (Inst. of Arch.): Prof Rolf Michael Schneider (Munich) 'War in
Rome: Visual Strategies of an Empire'

March 9th  (ICS):  Professor Richard Beacham & Dr Hugh Denard (Warwick)
'Virtual Reality - The Theatre at Pompeii'

May 4th (Inst. of Arch.):  Dr Paolo Biagi (Venice) 'The first farmers in
northern Italy'

ANCIENT MEDITERRANEAN (Tuesdays @ 17.15 in Room 331, Institute of Classical
Studies, Senate House. Further details from Dr Kathryn Lomas, Institute of
Archaeology (email: K.Lomas@ucl.ac.uk).

October 21st:  Prof David Langslow (Manchester), 'Alphabets, spelling and
punctuation in early pre-Roman Italy'

October 28th:  Dr Alan Johnston (UCL), 'Go West, young san! Aspects of early
alphabetic diaspora and uses'

November 18th : Dr Kathryn Lomas (UCL), 'Writing and Reitia: the anatomy of
literacy in North-East Italy'

November 25th: Alex Whitehead (Reading), 'Samian tableware from NW Europe:
graffiti in context'

December 2nd: Dr John Pearce (KCL) 'The archaeology of documents and writing
materials: the distribution and role of literacy in the north-west

February 3rd: Charlotte Rouechi (KCL), 'Signs and letters at Aphrodisias and

February 10th:  Dr Luca Zaghetto (Padua), 'Iconography and language: the
missing link'

February 24th: Dr John Bennet (Oxford), 'Who wrote in Linear B . . . and
why? Reflections on literacy in the Mycenaean world'

March 2nd:  Dr Ralph Hdussler, 'Empire and Literacy in the Roman World'

March 23rd: Dr Tamar Hodos (Bristol),  'Writing more than words in Iron Age

April 27th: Prof Jonathan Powell (RHUL), 'Oral versus written in Republican
Roman legal procedure'

May 11th: Dr Lene Rubinstein (RHUL), 'Writing and orality in Greek

May 18th:  Dr Peter Haarer (Oxford), 'The implications for literacy of the
use of Greek alphabetic writing on different media'

May 25th: Dr Alison Cooley (Warwick), 'The publication of Roman official
documents in the Greek East'

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