Latest update: 2/22/2005; 4:38:53 AM
Classical Employment
quidquid bene dictum est ab ullo, meum est ~ Seneca
~ JOB: Greek History @ Royal Holloway

University of London

Lecturer in Greek History
Department of Classics

The Department of Classics is looking to appoint a fixed term lecturer to meet an expansion of undergraduate numbers in the Department. The appointee will be expected to teach mainly in the area of Greek History and teach at all undergraduate levels. The appointee will be expected both to teach existing courses and to develop new courses which will add to the Departmental expertise in this area. It would be advantageous for the appointee to be able to offer expertise in an additional area of the curriculum.

The appointee will be expected to play a full and active role in the development and delivery of the Department's aims and objectives. In making this appointment, the Department is seeking to appoint an active researcher who can use their research to inform their teaching and who will continue to develop their research while at the College. The appointee will be expected to contribute to the research culture of the Department and the University. There may be opportunities for the appointee to engage in graduate teaching.

This post is available from 1st September 2005 until 31st August 2007.

Salary will be in the range £29,250 (Lecturer A Grade) and £30,123 -£38,017 (Lecturer B Grade) inclusive of London Allowance.

Further details and an application form are available from the Personnel Department, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX; fax: 01784 473527; tel: 01784 414241; web-site: Please quote  reference number KB/004351.

The closing date for the receipt of applications is 1st April 2005.

We positively welcome applications from all sections of the community. 

... seen on the Classicists list

::Tuesday, February 22, 2005 4:38:44 AM::

~ Three Ph.D. Positions

Three PhD-positions in Classics at the University of Groningen 

At the University of Groningen (The Netherlands) there will be three posts for PhD-research available in the field of Classics (Greek, Latin or Ancient History). These are fully funded positions for a period of four years (1 September 2005–2009). The research will be carried out within the framework of the interdisciplinary research project 'From Alexandria to Rome', which is concerned with the cultural dynamics of the Hellenistic and Roman world. Further description is appended below. Prospective candidates should get in touch with one of the undersigned for further information and an application format. Completed applications should be received in Groningen before 1 May. Interviews will be held in May.  

Groningen University is an internationally oriented university situated in a lively regional centre (ca. 170,000 inhabitants) in the North of the Netherlands, but at only 2,5 hours from Amsterdam Airport. The Classics Department is well-known for its many international research activities, including workshops and conferences on Hellenistic poetry, Flavian poetry, the ancient novel and the Greek post- classical city. 

In Greek the proposed research should preferably concern Hellenistic poetry (III-I BC), and the proposals may focus on individual authors or on aspects of literary theory, the social and ideological function of Hellenistic poetry or the specific character of Hellenistic poetry as reception of earlier Greek literature and object of reception in Roman poetry. 

In Latin, we would especially welcome proposals concerned with the reception of Hellenistic in Roman Poetry and/or the social and ideological functions of literature in the Roman world, preferably in the period of the Early Empire (Augustus through the second century). 

In Ancient History we shall consider proposals on any topic within the field, but we would especially welcome proposals on: 1: The Greek city in transition (300 bc-ad 300) - social, political and cultural aspects 2: Social and economic history of the Roman Empire 3: Late Antiquity. 

Annette Harder, Professor of Greek:
Ruurd Nauta, Professor of Latin:
Onno van Nijf, Professor of Ancient History:

... seen on the Classicists list

::Tuesday, February 22, 2005 4:36:17 AM::

Employment listings in Classics, Ancient History, and Language Teaching culled from various sources.

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Rogueclassicism is updated daily, usually before 7.00 a.m. (Eastern) during the week. Give me a couple of hours to work on my sleep deficit on weekends and holidays, but still expect the page to be updated by 10.00 a.m. at the latest.

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