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Leeds International Classical Studies 2.4 (2003)

Online article available (pdf):

David Sedley, "Lucretius and the New Empedocles"

Plenty of earlier stuff available as well ... visit the site ...

::Thursday, September 11, 2003 8:07:46 PM::
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British Archaeology 70 (May, 2003)

A few tidbits of news are worth reading:

London graves desecrated by Boudicca's army

scroll down a bit to:

Evidence reveals peaceful Roman occupation of Scotland

and ...

How natives made money out of Roman coins

::Thursday, September 11, 2003 7:53:36 PM::
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Bible Review, August 2003

Online article available:

Jan Willem Drijvers, "The True Cross: Separating Myth from History"

In the days of Constantine the Great, the cross on which Jesus died was “rediscovered” in Jerusalem. Tradition gives Constantine’s mother, Helena, full credit for the find. Today, visitors to Jerusalem are shown the very spot, in a cistern beneath the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where the empress is said to have unearthed not only the true cross, but the nails that punctured Jesus’ hands and feet, the crosses of the two thieves who died beside Jesus, and the plaque, naming Jesus “King of the Jews,” that hung on his cross.

For her efforts, Helena was named a saint by the Roman Catholic and Eastern churches; in art, the cross became her symbol. In more recent times, she has been hailed as the first biblical archaeologist. But did Helena actually find the true cross? And if not, how did this legend, kept alive in Renaissance paintings and today’s popular press, arise?

More ...

::Thursday, September 11, 2003 7:46:22 PM::
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Athena Review 3.3 (2003)

The focus of this issue of this online journal are the palaces of Minoan Crete. There's roughly ten articles online and available for reading ...

::Thursday, September 11, 2003 7:41:49 PM::
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Anistorion 7 (September 2003)

Full text article available:

Jon Hendrix, "The Inheritance of Alexander: An Overview of Greco-Persian Relations, 499 - 334 BCE."


::Thursday, September 11, 2003 7:34:40 PM::
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Antiquity 77 (September 2003)

Items of interest from this issue (which aren't online) include:

Eleni Asouti, "Wood charcoal from Santorini (Thera): new evidence for climate, vegetation and timber imports in the Aegean bronze age."

Steven Chrisomalis, "The Egyptian origin of the Greek alphabetic numerals."

Online, we can read:

Robin Osbourne, "Getting history from Greek archaeology -- some way to go"

  • A review of Michael Cosmopoulos, Greek mysteries: the archaeology and ritual of ancient Greek secret cults; Judith Barringer, The hunt in ancient Greece; and Richard Neer, Style and politics in Athenian vase-painting: the craft of democracy, ca 530-460 BCE



::Thursday, September 11, 2003 7:26:46 PM::
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TTT: 9/11

I just remembered this one as I was driving home ... Back in 2001 Classicist Janice Siegel put up a September 11 Memorial page at her Dr. J. Classics site. It's still up and definitely worth a visit today ...

::Thursday, September 11, 2003 7:18:35 PM::
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First, the corrigenda ... in my roundup of blogs dealing with the ancient world, I referred to the owner of Classics in Contemporary Culture -- Mischa Hooker -- as a "she". He is, in fact, a he, for which I apologize.

MH also informed me, interestingly enough, that he is Canadian. Anders Bell of Phluzein confirmed similiter in his blog. Add to that and, of course, rogueclassicism, and we seem to have another Canadian Conspiracy going on. Hmmm ...

::Thursday, September 11, 2003 7:01:33 PM::
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ante diem iii idus septembres

  • ludi Romani (day 7)

::Thursday, September 11, 2003 5:59:11 AM::
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NUNTII: Remembering September 11 in the Guardian

I know that the world of Classics comprises people from across the political spectrum, but I think I'm not the only one on that spectrum who would find the following allusion to events in ancient Rome as a somewhat tasteless analogy to attach to piece reflecting on September 11, even indirectly:

But it needs more able, less ideologically-warped people in charge. Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and Condoleezza Rice, whose judgments have repeatedly proved unsound, should be dismissed. And if matters have not greatly improved by this day next year, Mr Bush should decline to seek a second term. As a more eminent republican, Cicero, might have told this discredited, distrusted crew: "Among us you can dwell no longer."

The whole thing in the Guardian ...

::Thursday, September 11, 2003 5:58:01 AM::
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NUNTII: Fiction Set in Ancient Rome

The Allentown Messenger Press has a nice introductory article by a librarian which gives a good overview of Lindsey Davis' and Steven Saylor's serieseseseses set in Rome. Kind of handy for those folks who  ask you those "can you recommend some fiction set in ancient Rome" questions ...

::Thursday, September 11, 2003 5:46:50 AM::
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Hot off the e-press come this piece from Empire Online, an interview with Ridley Scott who confirms:

"It's written," he told us, "we've already done quite a lot of work and the draft's in now. The target would be early 2005." Don't expect to see Russell Crowe lose his beer gut for a return any time soon though, Gladiator 2 plans to pick up where the first film left off, shifting the focus considerably. "It's the next generation. Roman history is so exotic that any part of it is really fascinating. History is far more exotic than anything you can dream up. The film will take the next step, which is the son. [Lucilla's] son, Lucius."

There's a couple of more paragraphs as well ...

::Thursday, September 11, 2003 5:42:45 AM::
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NUNTII: Ashmole More Than BM Director

Most folks know Bernard Ashmole as someone associated with the British Museum. The Classics professor was involved in other projects, as this 'property' piece in the Telegraph suggests ...

::Thursday, September 11, 2003 5:38:14 AM::
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1. n. an abnormal state or condition resulting from the forced migration from a lengthy Classical education into a profoundly unClassical world; 2. n. a blog about Ancient Greece and Rome compiled by one so afflicted (v. "rogueclassicist"); 3. n. a Classics blog.

Publishing schedule:
Rogueclassicism is updated daily, usually before 7.00 a.m. (Eastern) during the week. Give me a couple of hours to work on my sleep deficit on weekends and holidays, but still expect the page to be updated by 10.00 a.m. at the latest.

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