Atrium Latin: Lesson 54 Template

Chapter 27 SA + Terence

Before completing your assignment, you are strongly advised to review the vocabulary for this chapter while listening to the audio files at the Official Wheelock site. In addition, you might want hone your skills by making use of these other online resources:

  • the additional online exercises for this chapter at the University of Victoria
  • Laura Gibbs' Quia games for this chapter
  • The exercises/self tests at Ohio State
  • It's always a good idea to do the Optional Self Tutorial exercises at the back of the text. The exercises for this chapter begin on page 381 and the answers on page 418.

    The Template

    Please cut and paste the following as the subject line of your email (fill in the appropriate 'epithet' identifying which section of the course you're in):

    Atrium Latin [epithet]: Chapter 27 SA + Terence

    This is the template itself; cut and paste it into your mail program (don't forget to adjust the initials):

    ========================= copy below this
    SA 01 ZZZ
    SA 02 ZZZ
    SA 03 ZZZ
    SA 04 ZZZ
    SA 05 ZZZ
    SA 06 ZZZ
    SA 07 ZZZ
    SA 08 ZZZ
    SA 09 ZZZ
    SA 10 ZZZ
    SA 11 ZZZ
    SA 12 ZZZ
    SA 13 ZZZ
    TR 01 ZZZ
    TR 02 ZZZ
    TR 03 ZZZ
    TR 04 ZZZ
    TR 05 ZZZ
    TR 06 ZZZ
    TR 07 ZZZ
    ========================= copy above this

    for reference purposes:

    TR 01 Adulescens est carior mihi quam ego ipse!
    TR 02 Atque hic non est filius meus sed ex fratre meo.
    TR 03 Studia fratris iam diu sunt dissimillima meis.
    TR 04 Ego vitam ... numquam habui.
    TR 05 Ille... duos filios habuit.
    TR 06 Ex illo ego meo.
    TR 07 In eo adulescente est ... carum mihi.

    *Note: I have not included the two Catullus passages here because of their potentially obscene content (in the first one, anyway). If you want to try your hand at them and send them separately, feel free (I'll send a mini-collation of these two to those who take the offer.

    Remember to send your assignment to ... don't forget the subject line!

    Last update: April 15, 2007 | © 2006 david meadows

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