October 13, 2003

UNION COLLEGE: Two Positions in Ancient Literature (tenure track/Chair)

The Department of Classics at Union College invites applications for
two positions to commence in September 2004.

The first position will be for an associate or full professor to
chair the department and whose research interests are in either Greek
or Roman literature.  Candidates for this position must have a record
of publication and be able to demonstrate an ongoing program of
research as well as distinguished teaching at the undergraduate
level.  Teaching responsibilities will include ancient Greek and
Latin at all undergraduate levels as well as courses in translation;
some preference will be given to candidates who can also teach Greek
and/or Roman history.  Candidates who can offer undergraduate courses
in archaeology should draw that to the attention of the committee.

The second position will be for a tenure-track assistant professor
with research interests either in Greek or in Roman literature.
Candidates for this position must demonstrate strong potential for
research leading to scholarly publication and for excellent
undergraduate teaching.  Teaching responsibilities will include
ancient Greek and Latin at all undergraduate levels as well as
courses in translation; some preference will be given to candidates
who can also teach Greek and/or Roman history.  Candidates who can
offer undergraduate courses in archaeology should draw that to the
attention of the committee.

Please send a cover letter,  c.v., and three letters of reference
(and in the case of the senior position one or two samples of
scholarly publication) to Prof. Mark Toher, Department of Classics,
Union College, Schenectady, New York, 12308.  All materials must be
received by November 15, 2003. Union College is an equal opportunity,
affirmative action employer and is strongly committed to increasing
the diversity of its workforce.

-- seen on Aegeanet

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BOSTONU: Greek Art (tenure track)

Boston University invites applications and nominations for the
position of Assistant Professor of Greek art and architecture in the
Art History Department of the College of Arts and Sciences and
Graduate School.  The position is a tenure-track appointment
beginning September 1, 2004.  Ph.D. required.  The successful
candidate will teach courses at both the undergraduate and graduate
levels.  The search committee anticipates conducting interviews at
the annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America in
January 2004 and/or the College Art Association in February 2004. The
application deadline is December 1, 2003.  Applications, nominations,
and letters of recommendation should be addressed to Professor Fred
S. Kleiner, Art History Department, Boston University, 725
Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215, or fsk@bu.edu.  AA/EOE.

-- seen on various lists

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