Okay ... today's goal is to try to completely clear the backlog ... since the pages generated by Tangelo are loading so quickly (since I haven't added Amazon stuff etc. yet), I've increased the number of items on the page to 25. We'll see how well that works. I'm also probably going to be fiddling with the overall look of the page over the course of the weekend, so you might see changes depending on what time of day you're visiting.

Anyhoo ... to start the festivities, I've got a couple of websites for you (which I may have mentioned before). The first is the Library of Ancient Texts Online (LATO), which boasts itself to be "the internet's most throrough catalog of online copies of ancient Greek texts". It doesn't actually house those texts, but links to them. A good one to bookmark alongside David Camden's Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum site.

The other site I wanted to mention is actually a book ... its Vitruvius' Ten Books on Architecture as translated by Morris Morgan (1914).