An item from MINA says:

Prince Mir Gazanfar Ali Khan with his wife Rani Atika, direct descendants of Alexander the Macedonian, are visiting Macedonia tomorrow afternoon.

Prince Mir, born in 1976, with his delegation will arrive on Skopje's Airport "Alexander the Great", where a special ceremony awaits, organized by Macedonian Authorities.

Next week, on Thursday, there will be a special lithurgy at St Kliment Ohridski dedicated to the visit. During their stay, the delegation will visit all the beautifull spots throughout Macedonia, will meet the entire Macedonian Government, and a day before their return, a special 'happening' will be organized in downtown Skopje, where Macedonians will have the chance to meet their distant brothers.

Who are our guests? It's the Prince and the Princess of the Huns, Macedonian tribe living at the base of the Himalayas in Pakistan.

They are direct descendants of part of Alexander's the Great Army, who not able to continue their conquering with him, decided to stay and live in the area. For the first time, Macedonains heard of the Huns in 2005 when journalist Marina Dojcinovska reported about the life of these people and the eery similarites between them and the Macedonians in the Balkans. The similarities were noticed in the traditional clothing (the clothing motifs and needing lines were the same), the way they built wooden tools used in every day life, the shapes and way their houses were built shows these are the same people who have been apart for 23 centuries.

Macedonian Huns in Pakistan are one, if not the only tribe in Pakistan whose literacy rate is one hundred percent. Princess Ganier Alika owns a five star hotel in Pakistan.

After 23 centuries, their dream has finally come true. They will set food on Macedonian land, where they came from.

"This is a historic moment for Alexander's descendants, but for Macedonia as well. The nephews for those who fought for the greatness of the Macedonian kingdom and unifying the then known world, will pay a visit to Macedonia. We will meet our brothers, separated from Macedonia for 2,3000 years" - say representatives of the Macedonian Institute 16.9, organizers of the welcoming ceremony for Prince Mir's Delegation.

Even without questioning the typos ... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ...