Martin Conde sends us an important note:

Dear Prof. Meadows,

Thank you for posting, the recent news report “Roman Staircase found.” 18-04-2008. But, there seems to be conflicting information by way of the Italian media as to where the staircase was found. And when it was found? According to the Corriere della sera 15.04.2008, and other newspapers in Rome the Roman staircase was discovered in the small garden square in front of the Church of Madonna di Loreta (this is one of the small churches that are on left side of the Palazzo Valentini which faces the Column of Trajan).
See: map / photographs of the excavations site – Rome: Metro 'C' Subway - Archaeological Surveys [Part. II 01.2008 - 04.2008]. Station Piazza Venezia / saggi di scavo stazione Piazza Venezia / Piazza Madonna di Loreto, site # S14(B1). **Circled in blue**

The LEGGO newspaper in Rome (18.04.2008) provides more detail as to the actual description and chronology of the stairway: “…the date of the staircase is based upon the discovery of brick stamps dating from the 2nd Century A.D…that date from the time of Emperor Trajan or his successor Emperor Hadrian.” But, the photograph accompanying the Leggo article is I believe & based upon my collection of images from the Superintendency of Archaeology in Rome is of a staircase that was discovered in the southern-eastern sector of the Metro C archaeological surveys below the Piazza Venezia, which was unearthed more then a year ago.

FYI – The Overall design / planning Metro C project (station Piazza Venezia, etc) in Rome is not a new proposal of either administrations former Mayor of Rome Veltroni or that of Mayor then / now Italian Cultural Minister Rutelli, it is rather the completion of the Metro C Project first envisioned by Mussolini architect’s in the early 1930s, who designed the project but because of the later political events of in the 1930s & the Second World War, they could not have completed it…! This is based upon research I have done, which is even rather well documented (planning the Metro Line’s in Rome of the early 1930s) based upon news reports from the period in the NEW YORK TIMES / THE TIMES OF LONDON & Italian architectural period articles, etc. Thus the Via dell’ Impero / later Via dei Fori Imperiali [thats why the area of the Piazza Venezia was cleared in the late 1920s early 1930s and created as a large-square, it was to be then a Metro stop…] & other thoroughfares built in Rome in the 1930s was only the first stage Mussolini’s systemization of Rome, the Metro Line (four of them) was the later stage, but never completed…!

"...Le lucciole brilliano nuovemente tra le antiche rovine di Roma."

Martin G. Conde