From the New York Times:

The Italian Culture Ministry announced on Thursday the discovery of a late-second-century Roman sarcophagus on the outskirts of Rome. The find, by the national Revenue Guard Corps, took place while the corps’s Archaeological Heritage Safeguard Unit was safeguarding a protected area from thieves. The sarcophagus, probably once the property of an aristocratic family, was excavated in the area of the Isola Sacra Necropolis, a large Roman Imperial-era pagan cemetery in the town of Fiumicino, site of Rome’s main airport and a few miles from the famous ancient ruins of Ostia. The coffin presents an exquisite frieze showing the sun god Apollo escorting the nine Muses in the presence of Athena, the Greek goddess of knowledge and heroic endeavor. The sarcophagus, archaeologists say, is not only an invaluable work of art but also a representation of a political elite that regarded culture and education as essential to reaching the afterlife. The remains inside the sarcophagus are being analyzed by the Luigi Pigorini National Museum of Prehistory and Ethnology in Rome.

... this appears to be the 'Sarcophagus of the Muses' which we mentioned a few days ago and seems to be part of the same 'bust' which recovered the Lucius Verus thing which is getting a pile of press coverage ...