Call for Proposals: Classical Commentary Writers’ Workshop Georgetown University, October 16–18 2008

Proposals are solicited for participation in the third annual Classical Commentary Writers’ Workshop, to be held at Georgetown University on October 16–18 2008. The 2008 workshop will be devoted to Latin texts. The deadline for proposals is June 15, 2008. The workshop will consist of five 3-hour sessions, each devoted to discussion of a single pre-circulated chunk of text and commentary. We work in an intensely practical, hands-on way, asking questions, making suggestions, working out problems, and the like. Our expectation is not that the group will examine the whole of anyone’s primary text, but that all participants will return in the end to their projects with fresh insights, ideas and questions, new bibliographic resources, and a sense of working within a supportive scholarly community. Workshop sessions are open only to the convenors, S. Douglas Olson and Alex Sens; the five participants; and (by invitation) previous participants and occasional graduate student observers. Participants are expected to arrive late in the day on the 16th, and to stay for the entire proceedings, including a celebratory final dinner on Saturday night.

Projects should be well enough advanced to provide a substantial sample of text and commentary, but not so far along that the Workshop will be unlikely to affect the final shape of the project. Proposals should consist of (1) a brief (maximum one-page) description of the project, its intended audience, and the expected publication venue; (2) a 10-page sample of text and commentary. Proposals should be submitted, preferably in PDF form, to the convenors at sdolson AT and sensa AT Final Workshop samples will be due on Monday September 15, 2008, for pre-circulation to all participants.

Participants are asked to call first on their own research accounts and institutional resources to cover their transportation and housing costs. For those who lack such resources, the Workshop will provide up to $750 for travel and housing related expenses. All meals will be provided.

Support for the Workshop has been provided by the Loeb Classical Library Foundation.