Tragedy and Archaic Greek Thought
Conference hosted by the School of History, Classics and Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh
Friday June 13 to Sunday June 15 2008

For further information and registration please visit

Provisional Programme

Friday 13 June

Place: Old High School, Infirmary Street

4:15 Registration

5:00 Opening

5:10 Prof. Lutz Käppel (Kiel)

‘Anaximander's Fragment (12 A 9 = B 1) and the Aeschylean Concept of Guilt’

6:00 Prof. R. Seaford (Exeter)

‘Aeschylus, Heraclitus, and Pythagoreanism’

7:00 Reception

8:00 Dinner in local restaurants

Saturday 14 June

Place: Old High School, Infirmary Street

9:30 Prof. Alan Sommerstein (Nottingham)

‘Ate in Aeschylus’

10:20 Dr Fritz-Gregor Herrmann (Swansea)

‘Decision-making in Aeschylus’

11:10 Tea and Coffee

11:30 Prof. Alex Garvie (Glasgow)

‘Aeschylus' Persae and the hybris of Xerxes’

12:20 Lunch

2:00 Prof. Robert Zaborowski (Polish Academy)

‘Presocratics and Aeschylus’

2:50: Prof. Vayos Liapis (Montreal)

‘Creon the Labdacid: Spill-over of Hereditary Guilt in Sophocles’ Antigone’

3:40 Tea and Coffee

4:10 Dr Scott Scullion (Oxford)

‘Sophocles as "The Last Great Exponent of the Archaic World-View"?: Problems in the Interpretation of Oedipus the King’

5:00 Prof. Douglas Cairns (Edinburgh)

‘Dodds, Gods, and Oedipus Rex’

8:00 Dinner in local restaurants

Sunday 14 June

Place: Old High School, Infirmary Street

9:30 Dr Bill Allan (Oxford)

‘Knowledge, Intention and Responsibility in Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannus and Oedipus at Colonus’

10:20 Dr Michael Lurje (Edinburgh)

‘Not to Be Born is Best’

11:10 Tea and Coffee

11:30 Prof. Michael Lloyd (Dublin)

‘The Mutability of Fortune in Euripides’

12:20 Dr Simon Trépanier (Edinburgh)

‘Entertaining Ideas: Poetry and Philosophy down to 400 B.C.’