New Perspectives on Roman Material Culture: Reinterpreting the Archaeological Record

January 8-11, 2009
Archaeological Institute of America Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA
Deadline: May 15, 2008

Guidelines for Submission:
Applicants should submit by e-mail attachment an abstract for consideration not exceeding 250 words. The abstracts will be judged anonymously and applicants will be notified by May 10th. All contact information should be confined to the body of the e-mail and omitted from the abstract itself.

In recent years students of Roman archaeology have increasingly recognized difficulties in interpreting material culture. Throughout twentieth century excavations, emphasis continues to be placed on monumental architecture with portable objects receiving minimal consideration. In particular, artifacts with little artistic embellishment have either been left in situ, discarded, or confined to storerooms. As such, the full potential for information that studies of complete artifact assemblages could provide has been largely unrealized.

This colloquium aims to address this issue by bringing together a group of scholars who will discuss innovative ways of dealing with the material culture of the Roman world from past and current excavations. Topics for consideration could include, but are not limited to, domestic or shipwreck assemblages, publication of small finds, reinterpretation of past archaeological analyses, formation processes, and life cycles of objects.

Please e-mail abstracts as attachments to Scott Gallimore (scg6 AT and D. Matthew Buell (dmbuell AT