From the Burlington Free Press:

The University of Vermont's classics department will host about 1,000 high school students for the 32nd annual Vermont Latin Day, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., April 11 in Patrick Gymnasium.

The theme this year, "Urbs Roma: Myths and Monuments of the Eternal City" embraces all aspects of the city of Rome from history to topography to mythology.

Students will perform skits featuring tales of the founding stories of Rome and events of its later history and create displays studying the intricacies of how Rome was built, exploring famous buildings and the stories behind them, the architecture and construction that made them possible and the archaeology that preserves them.

Other events include ceremonial Latin greetings and response, singing, and written competition covering grammar, vocabulary, Greek and Roman history, literature, geography, art and mythology.

Special awards will be presented for best costumes, the largest delegation of students, the highest per capita Latin enrollment, sight translation test winners and others.