A reminder that March 15th is the deadline for the submission of proposals
for the conference Where the Wild Things Are: Inhuman Territories in
Classical Antiquity. This event will take place at the University of
Reading, 4th-5th September 2008.
The theme of the conference is ancient conceptions of monstrous and half-
animal beings and their geographical location.

Contributions will include:

Keynote speaker, Professor Yulia Ustinova (Ben Gurion University of the
Negev) on caves and their wild inhabitants in Greek thought.
Professor Daniel Ogden (University of Exeter) on dragons and water sources
in Greek myth.
Dr. Andreas Michalopoulos (University of Athens) on wild things in
Seneca’s Phaedra.
Dr. Dunstan Lowe (University of Reading) on rustic deities and the
wilderness in Roman epic.
Dr. Emma Aston (University of Reading) on centaurs and tribal displacement
in Greek myth.

Proposals should be sent to Dr. Emma Aston (E.M.M.Aston AT reading.ac.uk) or
Dr. Dunstan Lowe (D.M.Lowe AT reading.ac.uk). The postal address, if
preferred, is:

Dept. of Classics
University of Reading