The American Numismatic Society seeks to appoint a Librarian with
effective date as soon as possible. The American Numismatic Society
maintains a museum and research institution dedicated to numismatics
of all periods and countries. For more information visit

The ANS Library is the leading numismatic library in North America and
one of the strongest in the world. The Librarian's position is
endowed. It serves the Society's curatorial staff, the annual Eric P.
Newman Summer Seminar in numismatics, scholars, and collectors with
collections of books, articles, catalogues, and primary documents
covering the full range of subjects relevant to the history of the
world's currencies and medallic art. The Librarian's duties include
the continued development of this distinctive collection and a range
of services to users. The Librarian will lead the move of the
collections to new quarters in the summer of 2008 and the migration of
its collection and catalog to conform to modern standards. The
Librarian reports to the Executive Director.

The Society seeks candidates with training in academic disciplines
relevant to its missions, a knowledge of languages important for the
library, an ability to work collegially with the ANS curatorial staff
and librarians in the metropolitan region concerned with cognate
subjects, and a commitment to a high level of customized service to
the library's users. A degree in library and/or information science is

Salary and benefits
A competitive salary will be based on the successful candidate's
qualifications and experience. The Society's benefits include an
initial 22-days-vacation package, 10 holidays, TIAA-CREF retirement
plan, and a full health insurance package. Applications will be
accepted until the position is filled. The Search Committee will
begin reviewing applications on April 1, 2008. Applications consisting
of a cover letter, resume, and the names of three references should be
sent to position AT or

The Chairman of the Search Committee
The American Numismatic Society
96 Fulton Street
New York NY 10038

Employment at the American Numismatic Society is dependent on a
successful background check.

The American Numismatic Society is an equal-opportunity,
affirmative-action employer.