Refashioning the Classics: modern fabrications of the ancient world
A conference presented by the Classical Studies Program of Monash University, in partnership with the Monash Centre for Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies and the Australasian Classical Studies Reception Network
Monash University, Melbourne, Caulfield Campus
September 20th-21st 2008

Keynote Speaker, Professor Simon Goldhill (University of Cambridge)

The Conference
This international, multidisciplinary conference will explore the modern representation and reception of the Classical world in contemporary culture and scholarship.

Call for papers
Abstracts are invited for papers exploring the interrelationship between Ancient Greece and Rome and modern culture. Proposed panel topics currently include:

Monsters, ancient and modern
Re-thinking the logos: theory, philosophy and the Classics
Classical scholarship acting up: reception, performance, and ‘other’ ways of reading
Rewriting the Classics: the ancient world in contemporary fiction
Classical cultural cringe: Australasian encounters with the Classics
Six more interesting things to do with Greek tragedy

The convenors welcome suggestions for other panels.

Submission of Abstracts

Abstracts of up to one page in length are now invited for submission.

Please follow these guidelines below for details of how to submit your abstract:

The abstract should be in the following format:

1. saved as an A4 sized file (not letter size);
2. margins of 1” (2.54 cm) all round;
3. title of paper centred top 14 pt font;
4. followed on alternate lines by: your name, institutional affiliation, e-mail address (valid for a further year); all centred, 12 pt font;
5. body of text in a minimum 12 pt font; fully justified;
6. contributors should include a short biographical note, of not exceeding 5 lines in length.

Please send your abstract to:

jane.griffiths AT

The deadline for submission of abstracts is Monday April 14th.

Contributors will be advised of the outcome of their submission by early May.


Selected conference proceedings will be published. Details are to follow.

Conference convenors:

Dr Jane Montgomery Griffiths, Monash University

Paul Monaghan, University of Melbourne

All enquiries to:

jane.griffiths AT