Our usual Sunday cleaning out of the mailbox and the like ...

Before we get to that though, I want to draw folks' attention to the 'Around the Classical Blogosphere' thing over in the right sidebar which is basically items I am 'sharing' from my Google Reader account (hat tip to Mark Goodacre who has had this sort of thing serving as his blogroll for a while). I'm including it because I find I haven't really been giving just attention to the other blogs in the Classical Blogosphere (and beyond), even though I'm monitoring them -- the 'ClassiCarnival' format I previously used was often stale and this way I can update rather easily as I read posts of interest. I'm also hoping that increased attention of this sort my revivify the Classical Blogosphere which seems to have been slowly fading away since last summer. Indeed, despite my promotional efforts on the Classics list every Sunday, my readership seems to be down at least 25% from six or seven months ago -- perhaps more folks are accessing rc via rss readers, but at this point it seems (to me) to be a somewhat disturbing trend. In any event, the sidebar things will all be getting adjusted over the next few weeks (I can't figure out what's wrong with the Ephemeris feed!), so please take a look every now and then. And so, on with the show ...

I haven't had a chance to see it yet, but my Grade Seven students assure me that "Meet the Spartans" is the funniest movie they've ever seen in their entire lives (of course, they're only twelve years old) ... reviews in the press have been mostly negative: Express-News (negative), Entertainment Weekly (C+), Arizona Republic/Newsday (negative), Boston Globe (negative) ... nevertheless, it's raking in the cash ...

As long as we're talking movies, Asterix at the Olympics has also received a review of sorts in Variety ... we should also mention this interview with Dolph Lundgren about Final Inquiry, which is apparently set in ancient Rome ...

Smithsonian Magazine has a lengthy article about the Parthenon and various restoration efforts ...

Folks following the Allianoi saga might be interested in this 'Loyalty Journey' ...

Desicritics has a lengthy article on Augustus which folks should be aware of (it looks plagiarizable) ...

Usually this time of year brings a spate of articles about Roman Numerals ... all I came across, though, was this one, suggesting folks don't know them very well (actually, last night as we were watching Superbowl previews we noticed several folks wearing the official souvenir jersey with a big number 42 on the front and the Roman numerals on the shoulder I wondered aloud whether anyone made the connection ...)

The latest Biblical Studies Carnival is up at Biblicalia, which includes a good roundup of Talpiot Tomb stuff ...

The weekly version of our Ancient World on Television listings have been posted as has issue 10.41 of our Explorator newsletter ...

Penultimately, but not leastily, a piece in the Times led me to Art Garfunkel's list of every book he's ever read since 1968; here are his 'Classical' selections (in order, more or less):

Dec 1971 Mary Renault The Charioteer
Jun 1977 Bulfinch Mythology
1977 9?) Plato The Last Days of Socrates, Euthyphro, The Apology, Crito, Phaedo
Jun 1978 Homer The Iliad The Symposium
Jun 1978 Plato The Symposium
Jun 1977 Bulfinch Mythology
Jan 1981 W.X.C. Guthrie Socrates
Oct 1981 Saint Augustine Confessions
Oct 1981 Aristotle On Poetry and Style
Dec 1982 Robin Lane Fox The Search for Alexander
Aug 1983 Plutarch Makers of Rome (from Lives)
Sep 1983 Aeschylus The Oresteian Trilogy
Oct 1983 Sophocles 'Electra' (a play)
Oct 1983 Cicero Selected Works
Nov 1983 Sappho, Pindar, Solon, and 23 others Greek Lyrics (translated by Richard Lattimore)
Jun 1984 Plato The Republic
Oct 1985 Herodotus The Histories
Dec 1985 Julius Caesar The Conquest of Gaul
Jan 1986 Virgil The Aeneid
Oct 1986 Homer The Odyssey
Nov 1987 Jean Racine Andromache
Aug 1988 Seneca Epistulae Morales vol. 1
Nov 1988 Ovid Metamorphoses
Jan 1989 P.P. Xahane Ancient and Classical Art
Sep 1989 edited by W.H. Auden The Portable Greek Reader
Jul 1990 Edith Hamilton Mythology
Aug 1990 J.F. Stone The Trial of Socrates
Sep 1990 Tacitus The Histories
Sep 1922 Livy Rome and the Mediterranean
Apr 1993 K.J. Dover Green Homosexuality [sic ... the Times article comments on this one]
Nov 1993 Plato Early Socratic Dialogues
Nov 1995 Martin Heidegger Early Greek Thinking
Dec 1995 Betty Radice Who's Who in the Ancient World
Apr 1996 Robert Graves I, Claudius
May 1998 Plato Phaedrus
Jan 1998 Horace Satires and Epistles
Dec 1999 Sophocles "Antigone"
Feb 2000 Euripides "Andromache"
Aug 2002 Plutarch Fall of the Roman Republic
May 2003 John Lowden Early Christian & Byzantine Art
Feb 2004 Aristophanes "The Acharnians", "The Clouds", "Lysistrata"
Jun 2004 Juvenal The Satires

... sort of a standard 'undergrad' reading list ...

Ultimately we come to something from eClassics' Video page ... Antigone in a style reminiscent of Terry Gilliam (sort of):

[tip o' the pileus to Dexter Hoyos and Diana Wright for some of the above]