From Scholia:

Victoria Emma Pagán, Rome and the Literature of Gardens

Barbara Goward, Aeschylus: Agamemnon

From Aestimatio

Carl A. Huffman, Archytas of Tarentum: Pythagorean, Philosopher and Mathematician King

Daniel W. Graham, Explaining the Cosmos: The Ionian Tradition of Scientific Philosophy

Ingvild Saelid Gilhus, Animals, Gods and Humans: Changing Attitudes to Animals in Greek, Roman, and Early Christian Times

From RBL:

John M. G. Barclay, trans., Flavius Josephus: Against Apion, Review of Biblical Literature

From CJ-Online:

Wilfried Stroh, Latein ist tot, es lebe Latein.


Sarah B. Pomeroy, The Murder of Regilla: A Case of Domestic Violence in Antiquity.

Antonio Aloni, Da Pilo a Sigeo. Poemi cantori e scrivani al tempo dei Tiranni.

Lowell Edmunds, Oedipus. Gods and Heroes of the Ancient World.

Mogens Herman Hansen, Polis. An Introduction to the Ancient Greek City-State.

Stephane Benoist (ed.), Memoire et histoire: les procedures de condamnation dans l'antiquite romaine.

Edith Hall, The Theatrical Cast of Athens. Interactions between Ancient Greek Drama and Society.

Emanuele Lelli, Volpe e leone. Il proverbio nella poesia greca (Alceo, Cratino, Callimaco). Filologia e critica, 93.

Nancy Shumate, Nation, Empire, Decline: Studies in Rhetorical Continuity from the Romans to the Modern Era. Classical Interfaces, vol. 5.

G. Emmenegger, Der Text des koptischen Psalters aus Al-Mudil. Ein Beitrag zur Textgeschichte der Septuaginta und zur Textkritik koptischer Bibelhandschriften, mit der kritischen Neuausgabe des Papyrus 37 der British Library London (U) und des Papyrus 39 der Leipziger Universitaetsbibliothek (2013). Text und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur 159.

Josef Wiesehoefer, Phillip Huyse, Eran und Aneran: Studien zu den Beziehungen zwischen dem Sasanidenreich und der Mittelmeerwelt. Oriens et Occidens 13.

Claudia Moatti, Wolfgang Kaiser, Gens de passage en Mediterranee de l'Antiquite a l'e/poque moderne. Procedures de controle et d'identification. L'Atelier Mediterraneen.

Foteini Kolovou, Die Briefe des Eustathios von Thessalonike: Einleitung, Regesten, Text, Indizes.

Eleonora Cavallini (ed.), Omero mediatico. Aspetti della ricezione omerica nella civilta\ contemporanea. Atti delle Giornate di Studio, Ravenna, 18-19 gennaio 2006. NEMO. Confrontarsi con l'antico, 7.

G.W. Bowersock (trans.), Lorenzo Valla, On the Donation of Constantine. The I Tatti Renaissance Library, 24.