Assorted items that seem worthy of attention:

Thanks to William Caraher for mentioning our little blog in his lengthy look at archaeological blogging at Archaeology Magazine ...

Harper's Magazine on Caesar's Mistress (tip of the pileus to Mata Kimasatayo)

Classics profs (and Latin teachers) will be interested in the post at Thoughts on Antiquity (and related links) on the Decline of Classical Languages ...

Irene Hahn has conveniently gathered a number of recent posts over at the Toynbee Convector of interest (including the Disadvantages of a Classical Education) ...

You HAVE to watch Bella Dormiens, a Latin Class project up at eClassics which is actually in Latin and good too!

I've put up issue 10.39 of our Explorator Newsletter as well as the latest weekly version of our Ancient World on Television listings ...

Ages ago on the Classics list -- inspired by McMaster University's motto being in Greek -- I had asked the Classics list about other mottoes in ancient Greek; this week, Diana Wright (TotP) sent a link to a list/discussion of quite a few of them ...

The Guardian has some nice retellings of some Greek myths ... download them now while you can!

Something to look forward to at the ACL in June ...

I'm still figuring out how best to deal with ITunesU podcasts here ... for now it should suffice to mention that my drive-to-and-from-work listening this week will be:

Garret Fagan, Roman Arenas and Crowd Dynamics

... and I'm hoping to get to some episodes of:

Dr Frank A. James III, History of Christianity

... and possibly:

Patrick Hunt, How Did Hannibal Cross the Alps?