The next Celtic Conference in Classics, the fifth, will be at University College Cork, 9-12 July 2008 (Wednesday-Saturday). All are welcome.

The panels (provisionally) are to be:

` "Aristocracy" and Social Mobility in Antiquity'
Chairs: Nick Fisher (Cardiff) and Hans van Wees (London)

`New Approaches to Greek Comedy'
Chair: Keith Sidwell (Cork)

`Les femmes et la religion dans le monde gre/co-romain'
Pre/sidants: Pierre Brule/ (Rennes II), Ve/ronique Mehl (Lorient)

‘Authority and Authenticity in Ancient Narrative’ - a KYKNOS panel.
Chairs: John Morgan (Swansea), Mirjam Plantinga (Lampeter), Ian Repath (Swansea)

`Vision and Power: The Theory, Practice and Representation of Viewing in Ancient Greece'
Chairs: Sue Blundell (London), Douglas Cairns (Edinburgh), Nancy Rabinowitz (Hamilton College)

`Medieval Ireland and the Classical Past'
Chair: David Woods (Cork)

`Herodotos and Sparta' and `Thucydides and Sparta'
Chairs: Stephen Hodkinson (Nottingham), Ellen Millender (Reed), Anton Powell (UWICAH)
The Celtic Conference aims to develop collective projects in a setting which is hospitable intellectually and socially. The timetable is designed to encourage members to move between panels as they wish.

Further information from Anton Powell (Organiser):