There will be a one-day workshop entitled 'Greek Drama and the Polis: new work in progress'
Thursday 13th September 2007
School of Classics,
University of St Andrews.

Provisional Programme
(Each paper will be followed by 30 mins discussion)

9.20-9.30 Jon Hesk Welcoming Remarks

9.30 Peter Wilson 'Theatre history in the late Classical
period: a forgotten document'

11.00 Coffee /Tea /Biscuits

11.30 David Rosenbloom ‘Transformations of comic and
forensic topoi in the Hecuba’

1.00 Lunch

2.30 Ian Ruffell "I am serious - and don't call me
Shirley": a Comic Take on Tragic Politics.

4.00 Coffee / Tea/ Biscuits

4.30 Jon Hesk ‘Other-oriented intellectual virtues in
Greek Tragedy and Democracy.’

6.00 Pub

6.45 Dinner at local restaurant

For all those interested in attending, further details of the workshop,
advice on how to get here and a registration booking form are available
from <>
The registration fee of £10 includes the cost of coffee, tea and lunch.
Overnight accommodation at a charge of £40 per night can be requested on
the booking form. The closing date for registration is Monday 20th August