Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature
Saturday 10th - Sunday 11th November 2007
University of Nottingham

The Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature is a conference
where graduate students present their research to other postgraduates. It
offers an opportunity to take part in discussion, exchange ideas and meet
other postgraduates in a friendly and supportive environment. It is an
ideal forum for students to present their first conference paper.

This year the theme for the conference is "HEROES".

The conference will be held over two days at the University of Nottingham.

Call for Papers

We are now accepting abstracts on any aspect of the theme of heroes.

Some suggestions are given below but we welcome other interpretations of
the theme:

* concept(s) of heroism
* heroic legacies
* heroic metamorphoses and genres
* heroes in comparative perspective
* heroes, heroism and their reception
* anti-heroes / heroic failures
* gendered representations of heroism
* leadership and rule
* social, cultural and political functions of heroism
* the language of heroes/heroism
* deconstructed and reconstructed heroes
* hero-worship: the cult of celebrity?
* suicide and resistance

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 31st July 2007. Please send
abstracts (maximum 250 words) to ampal07 AT with Abstracts as the
email title by this date and include your name, University, and title of