A Classical Association of the Canadian West Conference

March 14-15, 2008
Call for Papers: “Commemoration in Antiquity”

The University of Alberta will host a CACW conference on March 14-15, 2008 in Edmonton, Alberta. The keynote speaker will be Prof. Alain Gowing of the University of Washington.

Papers are invited on all topics of interest to classicists, but we particularly encourage papers on topics related to the theme of commemoration in antiquity. Topics might include:

* triumphal arches and columns
* buildings and statues in honour of a person or event
* funeral monuments and ancestor portraits
* place names and localized memories
* funerals and eulogies
* birthdays and anniversaries
* performance of the past in ritual and theatrical contexts
* narratives of the past in forensic and panegyric contexts
* periodization and the use of historical events for time-reckoning
* the function of historians and librarians
* memory and epistemology of the past
* amnesty, damnatio, book-burning, and other forms of public forgetting

Papers are invited on the topic of memory and Greek history for a special panel in honour of Prof. Gordon Shrimpton of the University of Victoria.

The Classical Association of the Canadian West brings together those from western Canada interested in ancient Greece and Rome (as well as their friends and colleagues from elsewhere) to encourage scholarly exchange.

Abstracts of 100-150 words for talks of twenty minutes should be sent by September 14, 2007 to Prof. Rebecca Nagel at rebecca.nagel AT ualberta.ca . We are seeking funding support for the conference from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Therefore, titles and abstracts must also be accompanied by the following:

Family name, given name, initials

Institutional affiliation (if any) and department

Degrees received; please specify the discipline

Recent positions held

Recent publications and those relevant to the theme of the conference

Audio-visual or other requirements

E-mail and postal address

Please send proposals and enquiries to: Prof. Rebecca Nagel, Department of History and Classics, University of Alberta, 2-28 Tory, Edmonton AB T6G 2H4, Canada. Phone: 780-492-2570. E-mail: rebecca.nagel AT ualberta.ca .