8.00 p.m. |HINT| The Trial of Jesus
Shockingly little is known, historically, about the trial and
execution of Jesus. What actions resulted in his death? Who was
responsible for his trial and sentencing? How did his ministry pass
down through the ages? Why do most biblical scholars insist that the
gospel account can't be true? Through literary detective work,
historical art imagery, and commentary from respected biblical
scholars, we bring First-Century Judea to life--a land of messianic
messengers in a time of revolution.

9.00 p.m. |HINT| Relics of The Passion
Relics of the Passion of Christ are sacred objects supposedly
scattered around the globe. Are they what the faithful believe them
to be? We do the detective work to track down where these relics
originated and where they can be found today, explain their meaning,
and often question their authenticity. The Passion of Jesus Christ
encompasses the violent end of a martyr, an unsolved forensic puzzle,
and the start of a worldwide religious movement. In this hour, we use
the Passion as a focus to begin tracking the most important relics of
the Christian faith, including: the True Cross; the Crown of Thorns;
the Holy Nails of the Cross; the Titulus, a small sign stating
Christ's name and crime atop the Cross; the Spear of Destiny; a
mysterious burial cloth called the Sudarium; an image of Jesus that
appears on the Veil of Veronica; and the Holy Grail.

HINT = History International