Excerpt from the Daily Mail (photos there as well):

The second tattoo across his arm is a quote by the Roman Emperor Tiberius and also used by Caligula.

It reads: "Lets them hate (me) as long as they fear (me)."

It is written in English though Beckham originally wanted it written in Latin.

The reason he was advised not to do it in Latin is because the middle word would have been 'dum', which he is understood to have been adamant he did not want on his arm for fear of cruel jibes about his own intellect. The new tattoo's detail is difficult to make out, since it is merged with tattoos which were already there.

The end result is a rather unpretty mess.

Already on the arm are the words 'Perfectio In Spiritu' which means 'spiritual perfection', and the roman numerals VII - which relates to Beckham's No7 shirt.

Beckham's left arm carries wife Victoria's name in Hindi plus the words Ut Amem et Foveam (So that I love and cherish). On his back he has a huge angel in the shapoe of a cross and his three sons' names Romeo, Brooklyn and Cruz.