The Cultural Value of Oral History

University of Glasgow, 24-26 July 2007

Call for Papers

This event is intended to establish a cross-disciplinary forum in which to assess the evidential significance of orality and oral history. The aim is to encourage academic excellence and an exchange of knowledge between experienced academics, postgraduates and professionals in the field.

The two-day conference will include scholarly presentations organized into themed sessions. Thursday 26 July will offer didactic workshops by experienced oral history practitioners, which are designed to be of interest to delegates at all stages of their careers. We welcome proposals from all disciplines and subject areas. Topics addressed might include the following:

• How does the theory and practice of oral history relate to orality, aurality and oral cultures?
• How does the practice of oral history interact with cultural taboos?
• Is there a case for logocentrism?
• What is the future of oral history in the digital world?
• How has orality and aurality shaped past and present societies?
• History – Herstory: Does oral history redress the gender balance?
• Giving voice to the voiceless – is oral history the key to marginalized sectors of society?
• What are the cultural and evidential values of the oral record?
• How do we deal with 'silences' in oral history?
• Is oral history 'politically correct'? What is its role within the educational agenda?
• How are individual and collective memories configured?

Papers should be 20 minutes in length and may include audio and visual elements within this timescale. Proposals from postgraduates are particularly welcomed. Throughout the two days there will be the opportunity for poster presentations. Exhibition presentations are also welcome from professional practitioners of oral history and archival projects.

The conference organizers, with permission, intend to pod cast contributions and there is opportunity for postgraduates who attend the conference to contribute to 'Orality and Literacy', Issue 10 of the award-winning postgraduate journal, eSharp, forthcoming in November 2007.

Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be sent by email as MS Word or PDF attachment with a brief biography to the conference organizers at the email address below. Poster and exhibition proposals, and any requests for further information, should be sent to the same address:

(Email)   oralhistory AT

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 4 May 2007. Speakers will be notified of whether their papers have been accepted by 18 May 2007.