Current Debates in Classical Reception Studies
A Conference to be held at The Open University, Milton Keynes
18-20 May 2007
Current Debates in Classical Reception is an international cross-disciplinary conference organized by the Open University Reception of Classical Texts Research Project. The conference marks the importance of Reception as a main area of research in Classics and Ancient History. Through its Plenary and Panel sessions, the conference will promote international debate on current work, including investigative approaches, research methods and theoretical frameworks. It will seek to create new cross-disciplinary contacts and collaborations in the study of relevant aspects of material and literary culture and to promote awareness of the histories of scholarship that have developed in different national and international contexts.

On Friday 18th May, at 19.30, there will be an Open Session, sponsored by the Classical Receptions Studies Network, at this conference: The poet Maureen Almond in conversation with Stephen Harrison (University of Oxford): Translating the work of Horace in the twenty-first century. All are most welcome to this session. [For further information about Maureen, and details of her publications, go to]

Bursaries are available for graduate students, kindly sponsored by the Classical Association, the Hellenic Society and the CRSN (early application advised). Forms available at the Conference Website.

Conference website (for further information, booking form etc.):