From the Parthenon (I don't think we've ever had anything from that source before, oddly enough):

The classics department will host an all day marathon reading of Homer's epic poem "Iliad," today in the Marco's Room of Memorial Student Center.

The reading starts at 8 a.m. and will continue until the epic is completed. Anyone can come in and read a part or sign up to read a particular passage at a particular time. People do not have to stick around for the whole thing to enjoy it, Dr. E. Del Chrol, assistant professor of the classics Department, said.

"The Epic is structured in a lot of small portions that can be enjoyable," Del Chrol said.

People can bring food or buy from a bake sale by the Classics Association. It is the second semester the classics department has hosted an all day reading. Last semester the department read Homer's "Odyssey."

"We had a lot of fun doing it last semester," Marie Casne, classics major from Beckley, W.Va., said. "It's an interesting way to get students introduced to the works."

Del Chrol said the reading shows the entire epic can be enjoyed in a day. "It's a way for classics to get out in the community and anyone can enjoy a battle or a love scene."

Homer's "Iliad," written around 800 B.C.E., takes place in the 10th and final year of the Trojan War. The word Iliad in Latin means pertaining to Ilion. Ilion is the Greek name for the City Troy.

The epic is the story of the wrath of Achilles after he was dishonored by the Greeks. The story has even been partially re-told by Hollywood in the movie "Troy" starring Brad Pitt.