Dum fata fugimus, fata stulti incurrimus.
(Robert Williams Buchanan, 1841-1901, English novelist, playwright and poet)

pron = doom FAH-tah FOO-gee-moos FAH-tah STOOL-tee ihn-KOO-ree-moos.

While we flee from the fates, we, like fools, run right into the fates we were trying to escape.

Comment: This is a principle of attraction stated in the negative. The principle of attraction may be expressed something like this: we will attract into our lives the people and situations that will reflect to us, like mirrors, those things we need to see in order to grow and develop as human beings.

There are a couple of caveats.

First, these people and situations will often enough be those that we don't want to see. They force us to look at those personal issues we'd prefer to ignore, and that, when forced, we will project onto others. If we deem someone else "lazy", the fates are at work. Who first called us lazy? What fear, anxiety, or repressed anger do we have toward being "lazy"? When was the last time we were "lazy"?

Second, because it is so easy to project onto others the things we don't want to see, it is even easier to dismiss this whole principle of attraction. It is based on an understanding that all things are somehow intimately connected. Can it be true that my life, and the lives of others, are magically, spiritually, meaningfully connected?
Some people call this connect "God", others "The Universe", others "The Cosmic Web", others "Quantum Reality" and so forth. It doesn't matter what we call it. Can we recognize the inter-connection of all things?

Bottom line: what are we searching for? What are we running from?
Likely, they are the same thing, and the answer is who we are. We are what we search for. We are what we flee from. And one day, the part of us searching and the part of us fleeing will run right into each other.

Bob Patrick
(Used with permission)
Latin Proverb of the Day Archive