Facile omnes, cum valemus, recta consilia aegrotatis damus.
(Terence, Andria 309)

Pron = FAH-kih-leh OHM-nays koom wah-LAY-moos REHK-tah kohn-SIH-lee-ah ai-GROH-tees DAH-moos.

All of us give righteous counsel to the sick when we are healthy.

Comment: This proverb is a call to perspective, to self-awareness, to awareness of what the other guy or gal may be experiencing. On the basic level, Terence is saying that it is easy to give advice when there is nothing at stake for us. There are multiple versions of this:

We all give good advice on losing weight when we are not overweight.

We all give good advice to the grieving when we have lost no one.

We all give good financial advice when we have plenty of money.

We all give good advice to the love-lorn when we are not wanting for love.

You see how this goes. It is easy to pontificate what someone else should do when we have little if any sense of what our advice may cost, or what the one we are advising may have already "paid" in their struggle.

The very best adviser is one who listens well--who simply closes his/her mouth, and listens. This kind of counsel offers the one who is working on his/her journey a place to sound things out, to test the path, to say out loud what it feels like to be in this place, to make the work real.

Silence, and acceptance can be very powerful.

Bob Patrick
(Used with permission)
Latin Proverb of the Day Archive