Apologies for the lack of production yesterday (especially a ClassiCarnival and my Ancient World on Television listings) ... my second (or third) allergy attack of the past week (at 1.00 a.m. on Sunday) wiped me right out and it was a major challenge just to get Explorator out ... I wish someone would start a mass media campaign on how debilitating 'scent allergies' (i.e. to perfume, cologne) can be for folks who suffer therefrom (and the resulting Scylla and Charybdis of choices ... not taking the prescription-strength antihistamines and hoping you don't get exposed to the particular scents or taking it and wondering whether it will actually be non-drowsy today) ... anyway:

Can't remember if we mentioned something Phil Harland mentions about a blog devoted to ancient trasportation ... Kristian Minck's blog has a few posts and some lovely photos of Roman roads ...

Laura Gibbs' roundups (non vidi, alas) ... here ... here ...

Speaking of vidi (how's that for a segue?), Alun has his weeklyish roundup of archaeology news ...

Chris Weimer is translating (and scanning) Catullus ...

Michael Gilleland finds an excerpt of Kipling on the Classics ... there's also an interesting post on averting evil ... and walking on water ...

David Parsons and Dorothy King point to a useful ASCSA document on ancient Greek Pots and Pans ...

N.S. Gill writes about the Milvian Bridge ...

... I'll catch up a bit more later/tomorrow ... still have some 'real life' stuff to catch up on ... stupid allergies ...