Quiet day among the ClassiCarnies:

Adrian Murdoch has some more Ausonius ...

Laura Gibbs has another assortment of materials, including another Roman Sudoku (Sudokus?) ...

David Parsons comments on/reviews a BBC documentary thing on the fall of the Roman Empire ...

Ginny Lindzey weighs in on a 'student amnesia' discussion that began on the Latinteach list ...

N.S. Gill tells us about Artemis ...

Ed Flinn has a Gallienus/Pax ...

Bibliodyssey's eye candy today looks at the 15th century Collectio Antiquitatum, which has a bunch of woodcuts/fantasy images of Roman monuments based on assorted descriptions, including forged letters and the like. Scroll down for a necropolis, e.g., with sarcophagi for Pythagoras, Marcus Aurelius, and Romulus ...