From WTLX:

When the coins come out of the cash drawer, they all sound the same. And when Lynn Moore picked up her change and walked out of a Sumter Bi-Lo last November, she had no reason to believe her coins were any different.

Boy, was she wrong.

“It's definitely not a penny," said Lynn.

It wasn't until she emptied her change that she noticed.

“I threw it in a vase right next to my kitchen table," said Lynn. She continued, "I dumped it out into my hand and noticed that one coin was very odd looking."

For 10 months, she kept it to herself. Then, Ken Lyles saw it. Ken has collected and studied coins for 50 years, and says this one is definitely not American.

“My research on it would tell me that it (was made in) approximately 132 to 135 A.D."

Mr. Lyles says the shape, uneven edges, and weight of the coin means it definitely pre-dates modern mints. According to his reference books, the coin is from ancient Hebrew society.

But as for value, there's no telling what it's worth.

“It's hard to really put a price on it until you find somebody who wants it,” said Ken. “Then you could very easily put a price if they'll tell you what they'll give you for it."

As for now, Lynn doesn't care how much it's worth. She's happy with the value that Mr. Lyles has placed on it:

“You have tangible evidence in your hand of ancient history," he said.

Lynn Moore doesn't know what she'll do with her coin. For now, she's happy holding on to it, but says she might consider selling it later.

... a photo (not great) accompanies the original article ... it looks like a Bar Kokhba denarius

UPDATE: see the comments appended to Jim Davila's post on this at Paleojudaica ...