Satis eloquentiae, sapientiae parum.
(Sallust, Catilinne 5.4)

(He has) enough eloquence, but not enough wisdom.

Pron = SAH-tis eh-loh-KWEN-tee-ah sah-pee-EHN-tee-ah PAH-room

Comment: Sallust says this in description of Catiline, a young noble
in Rome who, according to some, would have been the ruin of the
Republic if he had been elected to office. As an aside, we must note,
that the Republic fell anyway!

This proverb has worth all by itself, and it rings true of one earlier
this week. Too much talk and not enough wisdom makes for ruin--anyway
you slice it.

Wisdom, in my book, is not something you can learn. You come with it
already loaded on the hard-drive, in a way. It is finding your way in the mids of the life that you have been given. So, in a sense, wisdom must finally be your own. No one else can live your life. Silence is required to access it.
Silence is completely contrary to "too much eloquence". As I read
this, then, if I give up a little of my "eloquence", I might be able
to access and actually hear the wisdom within.

Bob Patrick
(Used with permission)
Latin Proverb of the Day Archive