Is it just me or did this week just zoom by? Here's what the ClassiCarnies have been up to lately (wow ... I just had a bizarre image pop into my skull of all these e-colleagues in mullets (inspired by kouroi, of course) and sleeveless shirts, showing off their (Latin and Greek) tattoos ... cigarettes dangling from their mouths ... multiple piercings ... "now you're on the trolley"):

I missed Hobbyblog yesterday, which had a Valerian with Fides Militum ... today there's a coin from a 'quasi-autonomous' city in Phrygia ...

Bread and Circuses offers us an image of a postcard from 1909 commemorating Arminius' victory (right click ...) ... more Arminian Memorabilia links too ... there's also some news (in German) of some recent archaeological finds in Waldgirmes...

DK at PhDiva talks about assorted monuments in Athens ...

Bestiaria Latina is pondering the Latin suffix -osus ...

Mediterranean Archaeology has gathered a couple of links to some ancient jokes ...

We mentioned Sauvage Noble's pet epitaph post t'other day, now N.S. Gill at makes some comments in regards to the link I made therefrom to Catullus' passer ... see also Laudator, who presents some similar epitaphic thingies and also notes that one of SN's pieces is actually based on Catullus (see also here)

From the Classics list yesterday came an interesting link in Slate on the ancient origins of heckling ...