Quiet news day ... maybe the ClassiCarnies have more for us:

Dr. Weevil is revealing some 'relative etymologies' ...

Blogographos points us to the Books, Words, and Writing blog, which is reviewing the Minimus Latin program ...

About.com's N.S. Gill tells us about Maia ... she also wraps up Poetry Month with a poet's gallery (you might have to 'skip the ad') ...

Laudator provides an interesting origin for the phrase 'standing on one foot' ...

The Stoa has an interesting idea for a collaborative project involving archaeological sites and Google Earth ...

Roman History Books has some links about the secular games ...

This one's been making the rounds of various lists: the complete Gesta Romanorum is online at the Elementary Readers site ....

Since it is a slow news day, some Classics types might want to check out the Hypertext Bible Commentary which SansBlogue has been promoting for the past few weeks ... I'm somewhat surprised that no Classical 'wiki' commentaries have arisen in the past year or so ...