The erstwhile owner of the Toronto Maple Leafs has died, and as might be expected (for those who know about him) there's ClassCon being mentioned in the reports about his death ... e.g., from the Toronto Star:

Stavro was a guy who grew up the hard way. Worked hard. Got up early in the morning and kept his hands on his businesses. Understood and appreciated the handshake and the back-room deal. Had a reverence for, if not a fixation on, Alexander The Great, as some Macedonian-born persons did (and do). For all the in-person joking you could do with the guy referred to here as the Honest Grocer, his angriest reaction, in our dealings, came when asked if he'd seen the story that historians had uncovered evidence suggesting Alexander The Great was a little light in the sandals. The Grocer definitely didn't want to go there.

Now, he'll spend eternity beneath an image of his hero; his recently finished grave monument in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, one he was proudly describing to friends at a breakfast just this past Saturday morning, has a 22-foot-tall statue of Alexander The Great on horseback atop the mausoleum. There are Maple Leafs, Raptors, Air Canada Centre, horse racing and soccer motifs, as well as four guardian lions and they definitely aren't girl lions. He has the bases covered.

We've mentioned this fixation and grave monument before ... in case you missed it, there's still a photo online ...