Must be followup day ... my box is filling up with Bosnian Pyramid news ... here's a brief report from the Scotsman (more in this weekend's Explorator, if not before):

RESEARCHERS in Bosnia yesterday unearthed the first solid evidence that an ancient pyramid lies hidden beneath a massive hill.

A series of geometrically cut stone slabs that could form part of the structure's sloping surface were found yesterday at the mysterious hill near the central Bosnian town of Visoko.

"These are the first uncovered walls of the pyramid," said archaeologist Semir Osmanagic.

"This is the crucial proof that we are talking pyramids."

Yahoo has a slide show accompanying their coverage. Although the slabs possibly do look cut, I'll remain skeptical until they can show me a 'corner' (i.e. where two faces of the 'pyramid' come together). But as long as we're identifying 'geometric slabs' as man made, we should point out the existence of an apparent pyramid in Oregon; heck, we might as well suggest there must be a pyramid on Mars ... or we can all just say 'columnar jointing' and get it over with.