Jona Lendering, of fame, sends along the following:

And perhaps the text below, a couple of new fragments pre-published this
week, is relevant for one of your webpages. I am personally intrigued by
the very last line. The star is a messianic motive that was forgotten by
the Christians of the second century. Is it possible that the GoJ
contains first-century information? That would mean that the gnostic
approach may be relevant after all.

(1) This is the secret account of the revelation that Jesus spoke with Judas, three days before he celebrated Passover.

(2) When Jesus appeared on earth, he performed miracles and great wonders for the salvation of humanity, and since some walked in the way of righteousness, while others walked in their transgression, twelve disciples were called.

(3) Often he did not appaer to his disciples as himself, but he was found as a child among them.

(4) One day he was with his disciples in Judaea, and he found them gathered together in pious observance. When he approached his disciples, offering a prayer of thanksgiving over the bread, he laughed: 'Why have you been provoked to anger? Let anyone of you who is strong enough stand up and reveal to me the true spititual person within.' They answered: 'We are strong enough'. But their spirits did not dare to stand before him, except for Judas Iscariot. Judas said: 'I know who you are and where you came from. I am not worthy to utter the name of the one who has sent you'.

(5) Jesus said: 'Step away form the others, and I shall tell you the mysteries of the kingdom. It is a great and boundless realm, which no eye of an angel has ever seen and no thought of the heart has ever comprehended it, and it was never called by name.'

(6) Judas said; 'Master, in a vision I saw myself, the disciples were stoning me to death.' Jesus said: 'You will become the apostle cursed by all others. It is possible for you to reach the kingdom of heaven, but you will grieve a great deal.'

(7) Judas asked: 'But what good is it to me?' Jesus said: 'Your star's brilliance will eclipse all others. You will be greater then them all. Judas, you will sacrifice the man that clothes me. Judas, the star that leads the way is your star.'