Check out the incipit to William Safire's latest in the NYTimes:

In his Ars Poetica, written about eight years before the Common Era, Quintus Horatius Flaccus — we call him Horace for short — took a flaccid pop at a Greek poet who wrote a couple of best sellers eight centuries earlier (the "Iliad" and the "Odyssey," grist for Hollywood screenwriters nearly three millennia later). Horace noticed the reappearance of a character whom the author killed off previously in the epic, and noted in Latin, "Quandoque bonus dormitat Homerus," translated as "Even good old Homer nods."

Sometimes Homer not only nods but falls fast asleep and slips off his pedestal. Here are a few of my recent mistakes pointed out by members of the newly formed Horace Society, a group of correcting souls gentler than the Gotcha! Gang:

... nothing Classical after that, alas ...