We've fallen behind a bit in posting reviews, so here's the catch up ...

From BMCR:

Steven Fine, Art and Judaism in the Greco-Roman World: Toward a New Jewish Archaeology.

Donatella Mazzoleni, Umberto Pappalardo, Luciano Romano, Pompejanische Wandmalerei. Architektur und illusionistische Dekoration.

Cristina Viano (ed.), L'Alchimie et ses racines philosophiques: La tradition grecque et la tradition arabe.

Konrad Vössing (ed.), Biographie und Prosopographie. Internationales Kolloquium zum 65. Geburtstag von Anthony R. Birley. Historia Einzelschrift 178.

Karen Piepenbrink, Christliche Identität und Assimilation in der Spätantike. Probleme des Christseins in der Reflexion der Zeitgenossen. Studien zur Alten Geschichte, 3.

Robert M. Berchman, Porphyry Against the Christians. Studies in Platonism, Neoplatonism, and the Platonic Tradition, 1.

Charikleia Armoni, James M.S. Cowey, Dieter Hagedorn, Die griechischen Ostraka der Heidelberger Papyrus-Sammlung. Veröffentlichungen aus der Heidelberger Papyrus-Sammlung, 11.

Josh Beer, Sophocles and the Tragedy of Athenian Democracy. Contributions in Drama and Theatre Studies 105.

Marek Jan Olbrycht, Aleksander Wielki i swiat iranski [Alexander the Great and the Iranian World].

Victor Davis Hanson, A War Like No Other. How the Athenians and Spartans Fought the Peloponnesian War.

I. Ramelli, G. Lucchetta, Allegoria. Volume I. L'età classica. Introduzione e cura di R. Radice.

Erika Kunze-Götte, Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Deutschland fasc.78. München, Antikensammlungen Fascicule 14: Attisch-Schwarzfigurige Halsamphoren.

Domenico Accorinti, Nonno di Panopoli, le Dionisiache (Canti XL-XLVIII). Volume quarto. Introduzione, traduzione e commento. BUR Classici Greci e Latini.
Gianfranco Agosti, Nonno di Panopoli, le Dionisiache (Canti XXV-XXXIX). Volume terzo. Introduzione, traduzione e commento. BUR Classici Greci e Latini.
Claudia Greco, Nonno di Panopoli, Parafrasi del Vangelo di S. Giovanni. Canto tredicesimo.
Bernadette Simon, Nonnos de Panopolis, Les Dionysiaques. Tome XVI. Chants XLIV-XLVI

Norbert Kunisch, Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Deutschland, fascicule 79, Bochum, Kunstsammlungen der Ruhr Universität, Band 1.

Bradley A. Ault, Lisa C. Nevett, Ancient Greek Houses and Households: Chronological, Regional, and Social Diversity.

I. Kantzios, The Trajectory of Archaic Greek Trimeters. Mnemosyne Supplement, 265.

Olson on Storey on Austin-Olson, Aristophanes. Thesmophoriazusae.

From Scholia:

Thomas Habinek, Ancient Rhetoric and Oratory. Blackwell Introductions to the Classical World

Sara Forsdyke, Exile, Ostracism, and Democracy: The Politics of Expulsion in Ancient Greece

From IHT:

The Collected Poems Of C. P. Cavafya - New Translation. Translated by Aliki Barnstone.

From Aestimatio:

R. J. Hankinson, Simplicius on Aristotle's On the Heavens 1.5-9

David Sedley, The Midwife of Platonism: Text and Subtext in Plato's Theaetetus

Indra Kagis McEwen, Vitruvius: Writing the Body of Architecture



The Nero Conspiracy


The Search for Odysseus

Lysistrata (opera)