The Live Journal Classics page has an incipient page of recommendations of historical fiction (pardon the awkward sentence) ...

Laudator has been blessed with even more Classical dog names ...

I join AM of Sauvage Noble fame in expressing regret at the pending closure of Bane's Demesne -- AM replies with a good guide for folks intending to get into academic blogging (all I'd add to the list would be to have a life 'outside the blog' from the beginning; the typical pattern of new blog start ups seems to be an initial flurry of posts, lots of time spent blogging because of the new-found attention, then a dramatic drop in posts as the real-life you've neglected sets in ... note that most of the successful blogs tend to be published at the same general time: the blogger has a time to blog and a time to play ... very important).

Meanwhile, Lady Bane bids us all farewell with a translation of Sappho 16 ...

Curculio is still thinking in Heracleitian terms and has a poem of Callimachus in that vein ...

Hobbyblog has a very much mistruck Gallienus ...

Roman History Books tells us all about the leges Corneliae (i.e. Sulla's) ...

Abzu points us to Chloris: An Aegean Bronze Age Bibliography ...