A quick jaunt today:

Laudator is in a debate with the Maverick Philosopher on the subject of objective and subjective genitives ...

Hobbyblog has a very nice follis of Constantius Chlorus with a very clear image of the Genius Populi Romani (not sure that's a patera in his hand, though ... it looks like a wreath to me)...

Roman History Books has some nice links to matters Eleusinian ...

Paleojudaica points us to a daVinci Code type thing called The Last Cato ...

Alun presents us with a press releasish sort of thing which summarizes his research on Delphi and Apollo Delphinios ...

Sympotica presents a quote on Tiberius' parsimony ...

Abzu just filed an interesting online paper: "Analysis of Roman Silver Coins: Augustus to Nero" by Matthew Ponting and Kevin Butcher