There's a definite news lull today, so we'll go straight to the Carnival:

Bread and Circuses presents an old joke with a link to a Times story on the Latin humour stylings of Alex Horne (I think we've mentioned him before) ...

Memorabilia Antonina has a review of UCL's performance of Medea and another review of KCL's Ecclesiazusae ...

MG over at Laudator has a translation of a bit of Anacreon by Thoreau ...

Peter Jones as another Ancient and Modern column up at the Friends of Classics site ...

We need to catch up on the quotes (and some other items) at Sympotica Graecolatina (including a link to an interesting 'walking tour' of Rome in 1 A.D.) ...

Res Publica et Cetera points us to a useful page on how Latin evolved into Spanish ...

Over on the Classics list, JM-Y alerted folks to an online version of Edward Thompson, Handbook of Greek and Latin paleography