Here's a strange little tidbit that turned up in today's scan ... Sven Goran Eriksson is (I think) the coach of England's national football (a.k.a. soccer) team ... his girlfriend is one Nancy dell-Olio, about whom the (somewhat catty) Observer drops this, inter alia:

'No, it has been so intense. So many things have happened!' she says, not quite wistfully. She considers her whole life a privilege. 'My life is like reading three or four books a day. I always learn so much...'

I'm not sure which particular books she has in mind. She keeps by her bed the Italian translation of The Iliad at all times. I wonder, given her partner's adventures with sirens of one sort or another, and her steadfast support, if she might be better off with The Odyssey.

Outside of Alexander, do we know of anyone else 'famous' who did this sort of thing?