From BMCR:

Giuseppe Squillace, Basileis ê tyrannoi: Filippo II e Alessandro Magno tra opposizione e consenso. Società Antiche, 6.

Victoria Emma Pagán, Conspiracy Narratives in Roman History.

Jasper Gaunt, Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Great Britain, fascicule 21. Harrow School. With the collaboration of Thomas Mannack.

Zetzel on Schlegelmilch on Zetzel, Marginal Scholarship and Textual Deviance.

Jon Steffen Bruss, Hidden Presences. Monuments, Gravesites, and Corpses in Greek Funerary Epigram. Hellenistica Groningana X.

Monica Berti, Fra tirannide e democrazia. Ipparco figlio di Carmo e il destino dei Pisistratidi ad Atene. Fonti e Studi di Storia Antica, 8.

Sarah Bassett, The Urban Image of Late Antique Constantinople.

Lukas de Blois, Jeroen Bons, Ton Kessels, Dirk M. Schenkeveld, The Statesman in Plutarch's Works, Volume II: The Statesman in Plutarch's Greek and Roman Lives. Mnemosyne Suppl. 250/II.

And I think we'll begin including Theatre Reviews too:

Hecuba (New York)