Ira perit subito quam gignit amicus amico.

The anger which a friend bears for a friend dies quickly.

(pron = EE-rah PEH-rit SOO-bih-toh kwam GIG-nit ah-MEE-koos ah-MEE-koh)

Comment: We might also note that fights between friends can be some of the
loudest, bloodiest, vicious AND longest-lasting. I think this is true for the
same reason that such fights (or anger) may also clear up rather quickly.
Anger between friends is like anger between any two other people except that
there are also the structures of friendship involved, such structures as
emotional attachment, intimacy, vulnerability and access. Someone who is not
my friend will pull fewer emotional strings in a disagreement with me (fewer,
not none); will know far less about me than will a friend; will not know my
tender places; and likely will not know my home phone number or be a member of
the club or church with me.

Friendship is really no assurance that anger will be less of a problem, but it
is the foundation for that possibility. Anger between me and a friend will
only perish quickly if I mind how my friend feels, if I guard and do not attack
my friend's tender places; if I take good advantage of my access to my friend
(which can include honoring my friend's space). But then, anger would perish
quickly between me and anyone if I would do those things! Being angry with
someone almost requires a certain level of intimacy unless it is something like
public invective at a public figure. Once I am angry at someone, I have entered
a deeper place with him/her. I may not have wanted that, but that's what anger
gets me. And so, the quesiton is: what to do with that new found intimacy. It
is very difficult for me to get closer to someone and not notice their humanity.

Works every time. It is very difficult to stay angry (very long) at someone
whose humanity reminds me of me.

Do you have a friendhip in your life right now that began with anger?

Bob Patrick
(Used with permission)
Latin Proverb of the Day is now available on the web.