Okay, I realize the APA/AIA meeting is only a day or so old (and I'd love to be blogging it, but it just didn't fit into the schedule), but again I can't help but wonder why I haven't seen any media coverage of the APA side of things. The blogbit following this one is a UCincinnati press release about a Greek Temple discovery in Albania. There was also a Canadian press release on the AIA side of things from the University of Montreal. The report about the Albania thing is gradually appearing in news sites around the world.

So where's the APA side of things? Why aren't they even mentioned as being part of the same conference? Where are the press releases (hey, if nutbars writing about finding Atlantis in their backyard can put one out, why can't the APA?)? I mean, if the problem is with the 'philological' side of things, why not take advantage of piggybacking with the AIA in, e.g., the session marking the 75th anniversary of the excavations in the Athenian Agora? Or better, given the constant comparisons in newspapers of the U.S. to ancient Rome, the session on Classical Drama as Political Drama? I mean, this year's APA has 'something for everyone' (as it usually does) and yet we don't see any promotion of Classics as being the ultimate inclusive university discipline. We'll see if the CAC handles things better in May.