Wow ... we seem to be awfully Toronto-centric this a.m. (which is very difficult for a native Calgarian ... they plant a hate-Toronto chip in our brains at birth; I had mine removed, though, ... don't tell anyone ... I'll have to start paying sales tax) ... the Toronto Star's astrologer has a lengthy column with some interesting Classcon ... excerpts:

The sky reflects life on Earth. All heavenly objects mirror our activities. In fact, even the weather does it. In Homer's The Iliad, Zeus was depicted as controlling the weather over the embattled Greeks and Trojans. Today, we are witnessing dramatic meteorological events.

This climate change may very well be due to the greenhouse effect, but it does, at the same time, reflect the increasingly unstable state of human affairs, which are hurtling out of control just like the weather. Hurricanes, cyclones and tornadoes have been whipping up with frightening ferocity. The weather is communicating a message. We are all part of one being, one whole organism. And the madness of human behaviour has disrupted the delicate balance.

It feels as if the weather is venting its rage. The Tetrabiblos, written by the great astrologer Ptolemy almost 2,000 years ago in Alexandria, circa AD 100 holds exciting clues to the timing of severe weather. My study of this work suggests there are certain complex configurations producing days of severe weather and heightened seismic activity. These cosmic signatures occur frequently, but some pack a bigger punch than others, depending on many cosmic variables.

In the past year, the Earth's crust has been rattling its warning with destructive and deadly severity. The tsunami of Boxing Day 2004 and the continued earthquakes in South Asia all occurred on these important days. And hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma each whipped up in accordance with these planetary configurations.


Another planetary event I'll monitor closely concerns the Jupiter-Saturn cycle. The ancient Greeks regarded this as the master cycle. Nostradamus may have also used it as a guide to write his prophecies. This cycle has moved into a square alignment (when two planets form a right angle) and will hold sway over the entire year. This normally spells a downswing in the economy. Jupiter (expansion) is in Scorpio, a sign in financial astrology that indicates debt. So the growth of debt leading to bankruptcies could be a problem. Err on the side of caution in your borrowing level and financial risk-taking.

Alignments of Jupiter (justice) and Saturn (institutions) also pertain to major developments in law and the courts. There is the trial of Saddam Hussein catching world attention in Iraq. Here in the West, the corporate world has a slew of trials coming up, with the case of Conrad Black heading the list. And the moral debate on same-sex marriage will most probably intensify.
