From the Sofia News Agency:

The European Commission will allocate EUR 145,000 for the improvement of infrastructure at the ancient sanctuary of Perperikon, in the heart of the Rhodopes.

The funds, to be doled out under PHARE pre-accession program, envisages the construction of a sewage a system and electricity facilities. A part of it will be used for restoration works of the unique Thracian archeological monument and probably visitors will be able then to reach the top of it along cobbled paths.

Expectations are that the project is finalized in two years, but the road leading to the skirts of the Perperikon hill is to be ready with the opening of coming tourist season next spring.

The Fortress of Perperikon is located 20 km north-east of the city of Kurdzhali, south Bulgaria. The fortification, which was built in antiquity, had been continuously developed and reconstructed through the Middle Ages.

Latest excavations have confirmed the main version of archeologists that Perperikon was largely worshipped sanctuary in Ancient times as the most important sanctuary of God Dionyssos.

In ancient Greek history the Perperikon sanctuary was as important as that of Apollo at Delphi.